
Friday, November 28, 2014

Hi again!

          First of all, thank you for your support. It makes my effort worth it. Second, I have 4 bits of news.

  1. Plants now have their own page. They were previously on the Earth page.
  2. The site now has a Directory! On it, you'll find a list of the pages on the site and what sets of cards are on each page. No more trying to figure out what page certain cards are on!
  3. Just so you all know, I have been busy lately. As such, I haven't been able to spend as much time on the site. It may take a while for me to get a picture you want, so be patient. Also, really new cards don't have many high-resolution pictures to be rendered, so new cards can take longer. Still, I will try to fulfill what requests I can when I can, so feel free to ask for a card(s). It can't hurt. If you really need a picture soon, let me know, and I will try to help.
  4. Yugioh! Cards Without Backgrounds has reached its one-year anniversary! Roughly 1 year ago, I started this site as a simple collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! pictures, and it has since turned into a large collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! pictures with over 50,000 views1 Thank you to all who have visited and supported this site. Your appreciation makes the hard work I put into this worth it.
          Again, thanks for your support everyone!