
Friday, November 28, 2014

Hi again!

          First of all, thank you for your support. It makes my effort worth it. Second, I have 4 bits of news.

  1. Plants now have their own page. They were previously on the Earth page.
  2. The site now has a Directory! On it, you'll find a list of the pages on the site and what sets of cards are on each page. No more trying to figure out what page certain cards are on!
  3. Just so you all know, I have been busy lately. As such, I haven't been able to spend as much time on the site. It may take a while for me to get a picture you want, so be patient. Also, really new cards don't have many high-resolution pictures to be rendered, so new cards can take longer. Still, I will try to fulfill what requests I can when I can, so feel free to ask for a card(s). It can't hurt. If you really need a picture soon, let me know, and I will try to help.
  4. Yugioh! Cards Without Backgrounds has reached its one-year anniversary! Roughly 1 year ago, I started this site as a simple collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! pictures, and it has since turned into a large collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! pictures with over 50,000 views1 Thank you to all who have visited and supported this site. Your appreciation makes the hard work I put into this worth it.
          Again, thanks for your support everyone!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hello everyone!

          This site has really grown over the past few months. I want to thank everyone who has visited the site for their support. I have a few things I would like all of you to know.
  1. Zombie-Type monsters now have their own page. As the site grows, individual sections that were on the same page will separate. For example, the HERO monsters were once on the Warrior page. I plan on making a new page for Plants soon. Currently, they are on the Earth section. Fire and Water monsters may also separate.
  2. Feel free to send me your renders. If you have a Yu-Gi-Oh! picture without a background that is not on the site, you can send it to me or give me the link, and I will post it. I will also give you credit. A user called MGSSJ2 recently sent me his pictures, and I am very grateful. You can email me at
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards without Backgrounds is now on Facebook! Like us and give the site your support.
  4. I know this is a little off-topic, but it is still Yu-Gi-Oh! related. We all know what LEGO is right? Well, I love LEGO just as much as Yu-Gi-Oh!. Anyway, LEGO has a site called LEGO Ideas where people can post ideas for LEGO sets and if the idea gets 10,000 people to support it, LEGO decides to possibly make a set of the idea! Currently, there are 3 LEGO Yu-Gi-Oh! projects that need your support. I have a real working set of the VWXYZ monsters and another user has models of all the iconic monsters in the first 4 Yu-Gi-Oh! series,  ranging from the Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes to Stardust Dragon and Number 39: Utopia. He also has a separate project for just Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. Support these projects and they could become actual LEGO sets! You will have to make a LEGO account however.
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM ends on the 30th. I am saddened and will miss it. It was unbalanced, but it was unique and fun. It will be missed.
  6. As always, you can ask for picture to be rendered. Besides simply asking for a picture, you can also give me the link to one or email one to me and I will render it. I'm always happy to add to the site.
Ok, that's all that I wanted to tell you. Support the site here, Like us on Facebook, and support the LEGO Ideas. Also, send me your renders and ideas. Thank you everyone for your support. It makes the hours I put into this all worth it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


          I just wanted to let everyone know that I now have pictures of the Numbers on the Number Cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal on the site. They are on the Card Types page as it is a neutral place to put them. Now you can make your own custom Number Cards that have actual numbers! I personally put the card image into powerpoint and then crop the numbers so I have the ones I want. I save it all as a picture and then I have a Number Card that looks even cooler with the actual numbers. Also, if you want a picture of a card not on the site rendered, just ask.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hello everyone!

          I want to thank everyone who has visited my site. I was amazed at the number of views over the past month. I also want to make sure that everyone knows that I will only make a post like this every so often. I know blogs are usually meant for the posts, but this blog is different. The focus is on the cards, and that is what I want people to know. Although I won't post often, I try to stay active in updating the site by finding new pictures without backgrounds and taking the backgrounds off of cards. That in itself is a hard enough challenge as Konami keeps introducing new cards, which is a good thing.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


          You may have to look through several pages to find the card you are looking for. Many cards would fit on several different pages. For example, some cards on the Dragon page are FIRE monsters, so they could go on the Fire / Water page, but I put them where they are. The same goes for Spells and Traps. Breakthrough! is on the Warrior page with the Six Samurai and Call of the Atlanteans is on the Fire / Water Page, while most others are on the Spells and Traps page. My advice is to look over all the pages where the card you're looking for may be. If you have any questions or want a pictured rendered, just ask. Good luck!