
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Welcome everyone!

          I must apologize for not being more active in the site. I honestly have not been on in months. I became very busy with school and such. Many of your requests have yet to be answered to. Well, I am proud to say "I. am. back." I will start to post new renders on the site. If you have any requests, feel free. I answer requests in the same order they are posted. Remember: if you want a Yu-Gi-Oh! card picture rendered it is most helpful to name a specific card or two instead of a whole archetype.


  1. Hey, Will. If you want, I can give you some renders I have been doing to help this awesome website.

    1. That would be fantastic. You can email me at I'll make sure to give you credit. Thanks for the contribution!

  2. You should do nekroz monsters :)

  3. Hey there, thanks for the site, i remember i guy that rendered a lot of stuff, but now his Blogspot is down, now u keep a proyect similar to that! Thanks! i recommend you open a FB page to keep an eye on your news and new renders. Best wishes.

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