

This page holds a list of all the pages on the site and what cards are on each page.
I hope you find this useful.
  • Dragon
    • Various Dragon-Type monsters
    • Blue-Eyes cards
    • Red-Eyes cards
    • Signer Dragons
      • Stardust Dragon cards
      • Red Archfiend Dragon cards
    • Malefics
  • Fiend/Dark
    • Fiend-Type monsters
    • Dark monsters
    • Dark World
    • Fabled
    • Infernity
    • Steelswarm
    • Yubel
    • Umbral Horror
    • Dark Counterparts
  • Zombie
    • Various Zombie-Type monsters
    • Skull Servant cards
  • Warrior
    • Various Warrior-Type monsters
    • Six Samuria
    • Ninja
    • X-Saber
  • Machine
    • Machine-Type monsters
    • Cyber Dragon cards
    • Gadgets
    • Ancient Gear Genex
    • Wind-Up
    • Karakuri
  • Fairy
    • Fairy-Type monsters
    • Arcana Force
    • Archlord
    • The Agent
  • Spellcaster
    • Spellcastor-Type monsters
    • Fortune Lady
    • Gravekeeper's
    • Gagaga
    • Shaddoll
  • Beast
    • Various Beasts and Beast-Warriors
    • Crystal Beasts
    • Gladiator Beasts
    • Ojamas
  • Reptile
    • Reptiles and Dinosaurs
    • Alligator
    • Worm
    • Jurrac
  • Fire/Water
    • Fire and Water attribute monsters
    • Pyro, Fish, Aqua, and Sea Serpant-Types
    • Frogs
    • Ice Barrier
    • Laval
    • Brotherhood of the Fire Fist
    • Flamvell
  • Light
    • Light Attribute Monsters
    • Lightsworns
    • Photons
    • Lightrays
  • Earth
    • Earth Attribute monsters
    • Insect and Rock-Type monsters
    • Inzectors
    • Gem-Knights
  • Plants
    • Various Plant-Type monsters
    • Sylvans
    • Naturias
  • Wind/Winged-Beast
    • Wind Attribute monsters
    • Winged-Beast Type monsters
    • Blackwing
    • Mist Valley
    • Gusto
  • HERO
    • Destiny HERO
    • Elemental HERO
    • Neo-Spacians
    • Evil HERO
    • Masked HERO
  • Extra Deck
    • Various Synchros, Fusions, and Xyz that are not on any other page
    • Synchron
    • The Numbers are on the Sacred Cards page.
  • Other
    • Psychic
    • Old Normal Monsters (Old, weak ones that no one uses anymore.)
    • Spirit Monsters
    • Monarchs
  • Sacred Cards
    • Exodia
    • Egyption Gods
    • Wicked Gods
    • Sacred Beasts
    • Nordic Gods
    • Envoys of Chaos
    • Numbers
    • Earthbound Immortals
    • Timelords
    • Sky Scourges
    • Match Winners
  • Spells and Traps
    • Spell Cards
    • Trap Cards
    • (Not all Spells and Traps on this site are on this page. For example, if a card is part of an archetype, it is probably on the same page as the archetype.)
  • Card Types
    • Attributes
    • Spell and Trap Card Symbols
    • Zexal Number Card Numbers
    • Synchro Summoning Rings
  • Characters
    • Atem
    • Bakura
    • Jaden
    • Joey
    • Kaiba
    • Kite
    • Paradox
    • Syrus
    • Yugi
    • Yusei
    • Zane


  1. These are so awesome! Can you make some renders of the Performapal cards?
