

Here are a bunch of various monster cards that I could't put anywhere else.
There are Psychic-Types and Normal Monsters, as well as others.
The Normal Monsters are really just old monsters that no one uses these days.
Any Spirit Monsters I have are here too, except for
Yata Garusu, who is on the Fiend page.
The Monarchs are also here,
although I considered putting them with the Sacred Cards.
Hyper Psychic Blaster and Krebons
Magical Android and Master Gig
Mental Seeker and D.D. Telepon
Psi-Blocker and Psychic Commander
Psychic Lifetrancer
Serene Psychic Witch and Silen Psychic Wizard
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Behegon and Charubin the Fire Knight
Claw Reacher and Yaiba Robo
Calius the Shadow Monarch
Delg the Dark Monarch and Glacius the Frost Monarch
Kuraz The Light Monarch and Razia the Storm Monarch


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can you add Yamato-No-Kami? I didn't see any spirits besides Yata.

  3. Can we possibly get a plant section with the Sylvan Archetype? I need at least an Orea done by October 6th. I want to thank you for all the hard work you've put into this blog and the many many countless hours you have saved me from cutting these myself. I wish I had known this existed for my first few playmats. Thanks again and I shall make sure to give proper credit.

    1. First, thank you for the thanks. I appreciate it. Second, I have posted Orea and Marshalleaf, but I did not render them. A visitor by the name of MGSSJ2 kindly emailed his renders to me and by some amazing chance Orea and Marshalleaf were among them. You can find these two Sylvans and other plants on the Earth page (because most Plant-Types are Earth), but I plan on following your advice and putting plants on their own page soon.

    2. Can you upload Stardust Warrior,Jet Warrior and Stardust Spark Dragon as renders please?

  4. guys can add all monarchs and mega monarchs? need plz

  5. if need someone image i cand send u i have someone edits

  6. I know it's not a card image, but do you have any full renders of Yugi? The few I've been able to find online have been only part of him. I'd even be willing to pay a little for a decent full one.

    1. I'll see what I can do. I have been meaning to add a character page to the site for a while now. I'll post some pictures of Yugi to it. Did you want Yami Yugi or little Yugi?

      If you don't see one you want, you can find a picture of him that you like and email it to me at I'll be happy to remove the background for you.

  7. Where do you get the original card art in such a high definition?

  8. President CrocomireMay 9, 2016 at 3:48 PM

    Hopefully the rest of the Monarchs will be uploaded soon.

  9. Please do Constellar pleadeis and Dark Honest
